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Google Cloud Platform Deployment Guide

The following guide helps to deploy the Open Integration Hub on the Google Cloud Platform.


Install Kubectl

Make sure you have kubectl installed locally. Official guide: Install Kubectl

Access to GCP K8s

Make sure you have created a project on gcp and receive the authentication information for your cluster:

  1. Create project
  2. In case no cluster exists: Create one
  3. Get authentication information for the cluster

For detailed information see: Kubernetes Engine - Quickstart

Basic Open Integration Hub Infrastructure Setup

Please make sure to clone the monorepo before you start. You will need the files in the dev-tools/minikube folder.

Set up the basic Open Integration Hub infrastructure. If you want to change you namespace in the namespace.yaml, you also need to adjust the namespace in each service.yaml and deployment.yaml.

Execute the following commands:

  1. kubectl apply -f platform/namespace.yaml
  2. kubectl apply -f platform/rabbitmq.yaml
  3. kubectl apply -f platform/redis.yaml

Note: This creates a basic functional deployment of redis and rabbitmq each. For your use case, you may want a more custom configuration. Please refer to their respective documentations.

Setup Storage

Next, you need to make sure to setup / connect to a storage solution such as MongoDB Atlas. Alternatively, to deploy locally, the mongodb.yaml provided under platform/mongodb.yaml could be used. To do so:

  • apply dev-tools/minikube/1-Platform/2-volume.yaml
  • apply dev-tools/minikube/1-Platform/3-volumeClaim.yaml
  • apply dev-tools/minikube/1-Platform/mongodb.yaml

Note: We suggest to use the first variant i.e. an external storage solution

Irrespective of the solution you choose, ensure that each service uses its own database. This is necessary to ensure proper encapsulation and to avoid accidental data pollution. For more information about MongoDB databases, please refer to the official MongoDB Documentation.

Identity and Access Management Deployment

Deploy the Open Integration Hub Identity and Access Management (IAM). To do so, simply create a secret for IAM:

  • Create a temporary file (find an example secret below)
    • Set mongourl to the connection string (base64 encoded) of your storage solution
    • Optionally set the other values of the other keys. Standard value: ‘somestring’
  • Execute kubectl apply -f YOUR_TEMPORARY_FILE
  • Execute kubectl apply -f services/iam/k8s

Before you apply ingress for IAM also make sure to replace host entries:

E.g for iam:


Next, comment out all services except for IAM in the platform/ingress.yaml file, and apply:

kubectl apply -f platform/ingress.yaml

(for more information on staggered ingress deployment see the note on GCP Ingress Behavior)

Wait until the service is fully deployed and ready. Afterwards, check if iam is existent on your cluster.

Example Secret:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: iam
  namespace: oih-dev-ns
type: Opaque
  mongourl: 'bW9uZ29kYjovL21vbmdvZGItc2VydmljZS5vaWgtZGV2LW5zLnN2Yy5jbHVzdGVyLmxvY2FsL2lhbQ=='
  jwtsecret: 'c29tZXN0cmluZw=='
  cookiesecret: 'c29tZXN0cmluZw=='
  admin_password: 'c29tZXN0cmluZw=='
  serviceacc_password: 'c29tZXN0cmluZw=='
  oidc_client_secret: 'c29tZXN0cmluZw=='

Service Account Creation

Create a service account and token for all of the services listed below.

  • Attachment-Storage-Service
  • Audit-Log
  • Component-Orchestrator
  • Component-Repository
  • DataHub
  • Dispatcher
  • Flow-Repository
  • MetaData-Repository
  • Secret-Service

Use Postman (or another similar tool of your choice), to send these POST requests the IAM.

Receive User Token

First, you have to request a user token (for admin account). This step only need to be perfomed once.

Base URL: IAM_BASE_URL (received from ingress)

Header: Content-Type: application/json:

Login as Admin



Request Body:

If you haven’t changed the admin_password in the secret you created a few steps ago, you can use the following json. Otherwise replace the password with the new value.

  "username": "",
  "password": "somestring"

Response Body Structure:

  "token": "string"

Use the returned token as a Bearer token for the remaining requests.

Create a Service Account

After you received the user token, a service account must be created for each service listed at the beginning of this chapter.

Expect for component orchestrator, each service needs at least the following permission:

  • iam.token.introspect

Component Orchestrator needs the following permissions:

  • Component Orchestrator:, iam.token.create, iam.token.delete

Replace the following values with a value of your choice:

  • firstname
  • lastname
  • password



Request Body:

  "username": "",
  "firstname": "a",
  "lastname": "b",
  "role": "SERVICE_ACCOUNT",
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "password": "asd",
  "permissions": [

Response Body Structure:

  "id": "string",
  "username": "string",
  "firstname": "string",
  "lastname": "string",
  "status": "active",
  "tenant": "string",
  "roles": [
      "name": "string",
      "permissions": ["all"],
      "scope": "string"
  "permissions": ["all"],
  "confirmed": true,
  "img": "string"

The returned id is later needed to create a service token.

Create persistent Service Token



Request Body:

  "expiresIn": -1

The returned token is the service token that will be used by the other services to authenticate themselves to the IAM. Copy the value, encode it in base64 (for encoding you can use online tools such as:, and then paste it into the secret files for each of the services listed at the beginning of this chapter.

Secret Creation

For each services listed in ./services a secret file is needed. Thus, the following steps need to be performed for every service:

  • Replace with the current service name
  • Data must include all secretKeyRefs from the ./k8s/deployment.yaml of each service. E.g. flow repository: flow-repository deployment.yaml
  • For each service that was listed at the beginning of this chapter make sure to add the persistent token as the value for the iamtoken.

Example secret file for flow-repository:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: flow-repository
  namespace: oih-dev-ns
type: Opaque
  mongourl: CONNECTION_URL
  iamtoken: IAM TOKEN

Deploying Services

Once you created the secret files, execute the following commands for each service:

  1. Execute kubectl apply -f YOUR_TEMPORARY_FILE
  2. Execute kubectl apply -f services/CURRENT_SERVICE/k8s/service.yaml
  3. Execute kubectl apply -f services/CURRENT_SERVICE/k8s/deployment.yaml

After deploying your services, update your GCP Ingress to include the new services. Before you apply ingress, make sure to replace host entries to match your external domain:

E.g for iam:


Comment out all non-deployed services in the platform/ingress.yaml file, and apply:

kubectl apply -f platform/ingress.yaml

(for more information on staggered ingress deployment see the note on GCP Ingress Behavior)

Service Availability

The Open Integration Hub is now running and ought to function just as it would in an online context. You can reach the various services via the following URLS:

  • Identity and Access Management. Create and modify users, tenants, roles, and permissions.
  • Secret Service. Securely store authentication data for other applications.
    • YOUR Secret-Service URL
  • Flow Repository. Create, modify, and start/stop integration flows.
    • YOUR Flow-Repository URL
  • Audit Log. View event logs spawned by the other services.
    • YOUR Audit-Log URL
  • Metadata Repository. Create and modify master data models used by your connectors.
    • YOUR Meta-Data-Repository URL
  • Component Repository. Store and modify connector components.
    • YOUR Component-Repository URL
  • Attachment Storage Service. Temporarily store larger files for easier handling in flows.
    • YOUR Attachment-Storage-Service URL
  • Data Hub. Long-term storage for flow content.
    • YOUR Data-Hub URL
  • Integration Layer Service. Perform data operations such as merging or splitting objects.
    • YOUR Integration-Layer-Service URL
  • Web UI. A basic browser-based UI to control certain other services.
    • YOUR Web-UI URL

Most of these services have an OpenAPI documentation of their API available through the path /api-docs. You can also check the API Reference Documentation. If you want to learn more about the services, check the Service Documentation or their readmes in the services folder of the GitHub Repository: Open Integration Hub Services


GCP Ingress Behavior

Using Google Kubernetes Engine creating an Ingress additionally creates a Load Balancer and its related Backend Services. Each Backend Service also has a Healthcheck created and assigned, which pings the root endpoint / of Pods to see if they are alive. This Healthcheck is used to determine if a pod is in a Healthy state and can have traffic sent to it.

When a Healthcheck is created, it will use the Readiness and Liveness probes from applicable Deployments, but only if they have already been applied to the Cluster. After creation, the Healthcheck does not track any changes to Deployments, so will not pick up the probe values later.

User Guide

After you deployed your own Open Integration Hub instance, check out the User Guide. You will learn how to setup your frist example flow using generic integration components.