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As part of a Fraunhofer IAIS study the OIH now offers basic IDS (International Data Spaces) connectivity. The following sections describe which components are necessary for registering data with the DSC (Dataspace Connector) and IDS broker, how these components work together and how to integrate these functionalities into OIH flows.

Table of contents:


In order to realize some basic IDS connectivity the following components are necessary:



The above diagram gives an example of how an interaction with the IDS can be realized and follows these steps:

Register data:
1. Flow 1 is triggered by a webhook or cron job event and receives or polls data from a data source.
2. Each row of data is described with a UID and saved in an SQL database.
3. The data row is registered with the DSC (Dataspace connector/provider) via POST request.
4. The data row is registered with the IDS broker via POST reuqest to DSC.
5. DSC registers the data.
6. The data can be discovered by an IDS consumer.

Request data:
7. An IDS consumer requests data by using the UID.
8. DSC requests the data by sending a GET request containing the flow ID to the IDS-Wrapper.
9. IDS-Wrapper triggers flow 2 by a POST request containing the data UID.
10. Flow 2 fetches the data from the database.
11. The fetched data is sent back to the IDS-Wrapper via POST request.
12. IDS-Wrapper sends the data back to the DSC as a GET response.
13. DSC responds to the IDS broker by sending the data artifact.
14. IDS broker sends requested data back to the IDS consumer.

The actions and triggers used within the flows are explained in more detail in the repository READMEs of the single components listed under Components.

Flow examples

The following section gives an example of how to configure the two flows seen in the diagram under Concept. They both use the IDS-Gateway and IDS-SQL Adapter to interact with the other components of the IDS ecosystem. In Flow 1 of this test scenario data is fetched from an SQL database, described with a UID, written to another SQL database and then registered with the DSC and IDS broker. The process of requesting the data by providing a UID is performed in Flow 2.

Flow 1

The first flow is triggered by a webhook or cron job event, fetches data and registers it with the DSC and IDS-broker by describing it with an individual UID. The POST request that registers the data contains the endpoint address of Flow 2 combined with the UID of the data set
(i.e. OIH-Address/hook/60e7eec81eee16001b551637&filter="117fdf380c983d6acf80d63d96c504b1").

Example of Flow 1 config:

  status: 'inactive',
  name: 'SQL to SQL to DSC (Flow 1)',
  description: 'This is an example flow to use the OIH-IDS Gateway in combination with the IDS-SQL adapter',
  graph: {
    nodes: [
        id: 'step_1',
        componentId: '',
        name: 'Connector X',
        function: 'getData',
        description: 'Data source component',
        fields: {
        id: 'step_2',
        componentId: '',
        name: 'IDS-SQL Adapter',
        function: 'addData',
        description: 'Extracts predefined columns from incoming data row and stores it in database with an individually generated UID',
        fields: {
          databaseType: '',
          user: '',
          password: '',
          databaseUrl: '',
          port: '',
          databaseName: '',
          query: 'INSERT INTO oih_ids_iot_test_data_sink(uidIDS,Column2,Column3) VALUES (\'{uidIDS}\',\'{VALUE1}\',\'{VALUE2}\')'
        id: 'step_3',
        componentId: '',
        name: 'OIH-IDS Gateway',
        function: 'registerRessource',
        description: 'Registers incoming data with the DataSpaceConnector and IDS Broker',
        fields: {
          urlDataSpaceConnector: 'https://DataSpaceConnector-ADDRESS/admin/api/resources/resource',
          urlBroker: 'https://DataSpaceConnector-ADDRESS/admin/api/broker/register?broker=https://IDS-Broker-ADDRESS/infrastructure',
          user: '',
          password: '',
          body: {
            title: 'MachineX-Data',
            description: 'Aggregated sensor data',
            representations: [
                type: 'JSON',
                name: 'MaschineX',
                source: {
                  type: 'http-get',
                  url: 'https://IDS-Wrapper-ADDRESS?endpoint=OIH-ADDRESS/hook/FLOW2-ID&uid={uidIDS}'
    edges: [
        source: 'step_1',
        target: 'step_2'
        source: 'step_2',
        target: 'step_3'
  owners: [
      id: '',
      type: 'user'
      id: '',
      type: 'user'
  createdAt: '',
  updatedAt: '',
  id: ''

Flow 2

The second flow is webhook-based and triggered by a GET request that contains the resource UIDs as filter parameter. It then creates an SQL query to fetch the data and sends it back to the DSC.

Example of Flow 2 config:

  status: 'inactive',
  name: 'OIH-IDS Gateway (Flow 2)',
  description: 'This is a webhook-based flow and expects a filter with uids of the resources',
  graph: {
    nodes: [
        id: 'step_1',
        componentId: '',
        name: 'OIH-IDS Gateway',
        function: 'getRessourceQuery',
        description: 'Creates a SQL query from incoming data',
        fields: {
          query: 'SELECT * FROM public.oih_ids_iot_test_data_sink WHERE uidids in ({filter})'
        id: 'step_2',
        componentId: '',
        name: 'IDS-SQL Adapter',
        function: 'getDataPolling',
        description: 'Exemplary flow node',
        fields: {
          databaseType: 'postgresql',
          user: '',
          password: '',
          databaseUrl: '',
          port: '',
          databaseName: ''
        id: 'step_3',
        componentId: '',
        name: 'OIH-IDS Adapter',
        function: 'postIDS',
        description: 'Sends incoming data to IDS-Wrapper',
        fields: {
          uri: 'http://IDS-Wrapper-ADDRESS/webhook'
    edges: [
        source: 'step_1',
        target: 'step_2'
        source: 'step_2',
        target: 'step_3'
  owners: [
      id: '',
      type: 'user'
  createdAt: '',
  updatedAt: '',
  id: ''