Descriptions of standardized actions or triggers
Table of Contents
- Actions
- Upsert Object
- Lookup Object (at most 1)
- Lookup Objects (Plural)
- Delete Object
- Make RAW Request
- Lookup Set Of Objects By Unique Criteria
- Update Object
- Create Object
- Linking/Unlinking Objects
- Execute Query or Statement in Query Language
- Perform Action/Evaluate Function
- Assert Option(s) in Set(s)
- Merge Objects
- Batch Actions
- Triggers
It is important to define common rules on how a connector responds to changes and performs actions on generic domain objects.
If connectors follow common behaviours, then it is possible to build integrations by combining connectors which are developed by different developers.
Upsert Object
Example Use Case
I have some contact data that I want to add to my CRM. I don’t necessarily know if there is already a contact in my CRM, so I want the connector to be smart and determine if the data needs to be matched to an existing contact or added to a new contract.
Iteration 1: Upsert Object By ID
Input Metadata
One input per field in the ID that is optional. This field is marked as being the ID. (Check ID Linking…ID Linking in Open Integration Hub)
Inputs for other fields on the body. All fields that are not nullable and can’t be populated by the system on create should be required.
function upsertObjectById(obj) {
// If the object's ID is split across more than one field, we should check
// that either all ID fields are populated or that none are. Otherwise we
// should throw an exception.
const objectToUpdate = GetObjectById(; // Usually GET verb
if(objectToUpdate == null) {
const createdObject = CreateObject(obj); // Usually POST verb
} else {
const updatedObject = UpdateObject(obj, id); // Usually POST/PATCH verb
Output Data
- The object post creation/update as reported by the system
Gotcha’s to lookout for
Updates should be partial updates
Make sure to Url Encode IDs appearing in HTTP urls
Iteration 2: Update Object By Unique Criteria
Input Metadata Changes
The fields that are part of the upsert criteria are marked as being part of the criteria. If the criteria is something other than the ID, they should be marked as required.
(There is a hypothetical edge case here where the system auto-populates the unique criteria)
function upsertObjectByUniqueCriteria(obj, uniqueCriteria) {
// Ensure unique criteria are all populated (unless ID)
// If criteria is th the object's ID and it is split across more than one field, we should check
// that either all ID fields are populated or that none are. Otherwise we
// should throw an exception.
const objectsToUpdate = GetObjectsByCriteria(uniqueCriteria); // Usually GET verb
if(objectsToUpdate.length == 0) {
const createdObject = CreateObject(obj); // Usually POST verb
} else if (objectsToUpdate.length == 1) {
const updatedObject = UpdateObject(obj, objectsToUpdate[0].id); // Usually POST/PATCH verb
} else {
throw new Error(`More than one matching object found.`);
Lookup Object (at most 1)
Example Use Case
I have a contact who works for a company. I have an ID or other distinguishing characteristic (e.g. legal name) of the company and I want to learn some detail about the company (e.g. number of employees).
Iteration 1: Lookup Object By ID
Input Metadata
- One input per field in the ID. Depending on the value of allowIdToBeOmitted this is optional or required.
function lookupObjectById(id) {
if(!id) {
if(allowCriteriaToBeOmitted) {
} else {
throw new Error('No ID provided');
try {
const foundObject = GetObjectById(id); // Usually GET verb
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
if(allowZeroResults) {
} else {
throw e;
Output Data
- The object as reported by the system
Gotcha’s to lookout for
- Make sure to Url Encode IDs appearing in HTTP urls
Not defined now
- How to handle populating linked objects.
Iteration 2: Lookup Object By Unique Criteria
Input Metadata Changes
- The input matches the selected criteria
function lookupObjectByUniqueCriteria(uniqueCriteria) {
if(!uniqueCriteria) {
if(allowCriteriaToBeOmitted) {
} else {
throw new Error('No unique criteria provided');
const foundObjects = GetObjectsByCriteria(uniqueCriteria); // Usually GET verb
if(foundObjects.length == 0) {
if(allowZeroResults) {
} else {
throw new Error('Not found');
} else if (foundObjects.length ==1) {
} else {
throw new Error('More than one object found.');
Lookup Objects (Plural)
Example Use Case
I want to search my CRM for data based on some criteria.
Input Metadata
- Page size: optional positive integer that defaults to 100 (only if fetch page mode)
- page number: required non-negative integer that is 0 based (only if fetch page mode)
- order: optional array of fieldname + sort direction pairs (only if fetch page mode)
- max result size: optional positive integer that defaults to 1000 (only if fetch all mode)
- For each search term:
- fieldName
- fieldValue
- condition (equal, not equal, >=, <=, >, <, like (if supported), possibly more in the future)
- For each search term - 1: (iteration 2)
- criteriaLink (and/or)
function lookupObjects(criteria) {
switch(mode) {
case 'fetchAll':
const results = GetObjectsByCriteria(criteria);
if(results.length >= maxResultSize) {
throw new Error('Too many results');
emitData({results: results});
case 'emitIndividually':
const results = GetObjectsByCriteria(criteria);
results.forEach(result => {
case 'fetchPage':
const results = GetObjectsByCritieria(criteria, top: pageSize, skip: pageSize * pageNumber, orderBy: orderByTerms);
emitData({results: results});
Output Data
- An object, with key
that has an array as its value.
Gotcha’s to lookout for
- Make sure to Url Encode field values appearing in HTTP urls
Not Handled
- Order of operations in multiple terms
- How to get total number of matching objects
Delete Object
Example Use Case
I know the ID of a customer that I want to delete.
Iteration 1: Delete Object By ID
Input Metadata
- One input per field in the ID that is required.
function deleteObjectById(id) {
try {
DeleteObjectById(id); // Usually DELETE verb
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
emitData({id: id});
Output Data
- The id of the object deleted.
Gotcha’s to lookout for
- If zero objects are deleted, then the empty object should be emitted
- Make sure to Url Encode IDs appearing in HTTP urls
Iteration 2: Delete Object By Unique Criteria
Input Metadata Changes
- The input matches the selected criteria
function deleteObjectByUniqueCriteria(uniqueCriteria) {
const foundObjects = GetObjectsByCritieria(uniqueCriteria); // Usually GET verb
if(foundObjects.length == 0) {
} else if (foundObjects.length == 1) {
DeleteObjectById(foundObjects[0].id); // Usually DELETE verb
emitData({id: foundObjects[0].id});
} else {
throw new Error('More than one object found.');
Make RAW Request
This action has not been fully standardized.
A simple action to allow integrators to assemble requests to be sent to the system. The component should expose the parts that vary in a typical request. The component should handle authentication and error reporting.
Example Use Case
I’m a technically advanced user who wants to interact with a system in a way not permissible by the existing component actions but would like some simplification relative to using the REST component.
Lookup Set Of Objects By Unique Criteria
Given an array of information where each item in the array uniquely describes exactly one object. It can be assumed that the array is short enough to reasonably fit the results in a single message.
Example Use Case
I salesperson is responsible for 0 to N accounts. I would like to look up a piece of information for each account associated with the salesperson.
Iteration 1: Lookup Object By ID
Iteration 2: Lookup Object By Unique Criteria
Input Metadata
- An array where each item has one input per field in the ID. If the ID is a single field, this input can be a simple array (as opposed to an array of objects). Required.
Pseudo-Code (Multi-Field ID Case)
function lookupSetOfObjects(itemUniqueCriteriaListToLookup) {
const results = => {
const matchingItems = GetObjectsByCriteria(itemUniqueCriteria);
if(matchingItems.length != 1) {
throw new Error(`Lookup failed for ${itemUniqueCriteria}`);
return {
key: itemCriteria,
value: matchingItems[0]
Pseudo-Code (Single-Field ID Case Where IN Operator is Supported)
function lookupSetOfObjects(itemIdsToLookup) {
if(itemIds.length = 0) {
const searchResults = FetchObjectsWhereIdIn(itemIdsToLookup);
const resultDictionary = {};
for each (let itemId of itemIdsToLookup) {
const matchingItems = searchResults.filter(result.Id = itemId);
if(matchingItems.length != 1) {
throw new Error(`Lookup failed for ${itemUniqueCriteria}`);
resultDictionary[itemId] = matchingItems[0];
Output Data
- In the case of a single field criteria, a dictionary of the form
lookupCriteria: matchingItem
- In the case of multi-field criteria, an array where each item in the array has the form
{"key": lookupCriteria, "value": matchingItem}
Gotcha’s to lookout for
- Make sure to Url Encode IDs appearing in HTTP urls
Not defined now
- Encode any IDs in URLs
- Rebounds when an object is not found
- There are different structures depending on the input structure
Update Object
- Similar to upsert object (both iteration 1 & 2) but:
- We will not create the object if it does not exist
- The ID/other unique criteria is required
- No other fields are required
Example Use Case
I want to update the price of a product based on its SKU but I don’t want to look up other required attributes such as name since I know those have already been set and are not changing.
Create Object
Similar to upsert object but needed for the following cases:
- Objects that can be created but can not be updated after creation (e.g. Invoices)
- Cases where you want to create an object and its children
- Cases where the id of the object includes information in the object (e.g. The ID of a sales line is the sales order ID + SKU).
Example Use Case
See above.
Linking/Unlinking Objects
- Given a many-to-many relationship in a system: create/update/remove a relationship between two objects.
In order to do this, the inbound metadata needs to include:
- the types of the two objects
- two sets of unique criteria which describe the two objects
Information about the relationship (e.g. if assigning user to company membership, identify the role of the user)
function linkObjects(obj1, obj2, linkMetadata) { const matchingObjects1 = lookupObjectByCriteria(obj1.type, obj1.uniqueCriteria); if (matchingObjects1.length != 1) { throw new Error('Not found/too many found.'); } const object1Id = matchingObjects1[0].id; const matchingObjects2 = lookupObjectByCriteria(obj2.type, obj2.uniqueCriteria); if (matchingObjects2.length != 1) { throw new Error('Not found/too many found.'); } const object2Id = matchingObjects2[0].id; createLink(object1Id, object2Id, linkMetadata); }
Example Use Case
A student can be a participant in a class and a class can have many students. Given a student ID and a course ID I want to enroll that student in that course.
Execute Query or Statement in Query Language
Examples of this include constructing a query or statement in SQL, Salesforce’s SOQL, etc. Queries return a table of data when executed. Statements do not reutrn results (other than execution statistics).
Example Use Case
Execute SQL query in SQL database
Input Metadata
- For each parameterized variable in the query, there should be an input
- If Emit Behavior is Expect Single: a boolean input “Allow Zero Results”
function executeQuery(query, params, mode, allowZeroResults) {
const results = executeQueryOrStatementOnSystem(query, params);
if(results is not QueryResultsTable) {
emitData(results || {});
switch(mode) {
case 'fetchAll':
if(results.length >= maxResultSize) {
throw new Error('Too many results');
emitData({results: results});
case 'emitIndividually':
results.forEach(result => {
case 'expectSingle':
if(results.length = 1) {
} else if(results.length = 0 && allowZeroResults) {
} else {
throw new Error('Incorrect Number of Results Found');
Output Data
- If Query: Depends on mode
- If Statement: Execution statistics if available. Otherwise an empty object as a result.
Perform Action/Evaluate Function
This action has not been fully standardized.
Examples of this include sendEmail, calculatePrice, etc.
Assert Option(s) in Set(s)
Given a field which can be set to a fixed list of options, ensure that this option exists in the list of selectable options.
Example Use Case
You run a store where each product has a color. The list of colors are finite (e.g. red, green, blue). One day, you decide to add a new color option yellow.
Input Metadata
For each field in the object type where the populated data is a dropdown/multi-select
- One input which identifies the option value that needs to be in the set. Optional
- Inputs for any data related to the option being added. Not applicable for all systems Iteration 2: Have the above receive an array
let existingOptions = populateExistingOptions();
function assertOptionInSet(toAssert) {
const optionsDictionary = {};
for([field, option] of Object.entries(toAssert)) {
let existingOption = existingOptions[field][option.value];
if(existingOption && existingOption.additionalData = option.additionalData) {
// Nothing to do. Publish info on the option
optionsDictionary[field] = existingOption;
// Check for stale cached data
existingOptions = populateExistingOptions();
let existingOption = existingOptions[field][option.value];
if(existingOption && existingOption.additionalData = option.additionalData) {
// Nothing to do. Publish info on the option
optionsDictionary[field] = existingOption;
if(!existingOption) {
// Need to add option
const addedOption = AddOptionToSet(field, option.value, option.additionalData);
optionsDictionary[field] = addedOption;
} else {
// Need to update option
const updatedOption = UpdateOptionInSet(field, option.value, option.additionalData);
optionsDictionary[field] = updatedOption;
Output Data
- An object with all the options and associated data
Gotcha’s to lookout for
- This action can not be run in parallel
Merge Objects
This action has not been fully standardized.
Example: Contact merge. There are usually two contacts, A and B with different IDs. At the end of the merge, one ID remains with all external references to the other contact now pointing to the remaining contact.
Batch Actions
This set of actions has not been fully standardized.
It is possible to make batch variants for many of the above actions. The batch action should perform operations which behave as the other options described above.
Get New and Updated Objects Polling
Example Use Case
I want to learn about changes to contacts in my CRM when they happen.
Input Metadata
function getObjectsPolling(cfg, snapshot) {
const previousLastModified = snapshot.previousLastModified || cfg.startTime || new Date(0);
const maxTime = cfg.endTime || Date.MaxDate();
let hasMorePages = true;
snapshot.pageNumber = snapshot.pageNumber || 0;
let lastSeenTime = previousLastModified;
do {
let whereCondition;
if (previousLastModified === cfg.startTime || new Date(0)){
whereCondition = [
lastModified >= previousLastModified,
lastModified <= maxTime
} else {
whereCondition = [
lastModified > previousLastModified,
lastModified <= maxTime
const pageOfResults = GetPageOfResults({
orderBy: Time ascending
where: whereCondition,
top: sizeOfPollingPage,
skip: snapshot.pageNumber * sizeOfPollingPage
pageOfResults.forEach(result => {
hasMorePages = pageOfResults.length == pageSize;
if(pageOfResults.length > 0) {
lastSeenTime = pageOfResults[pageOfResults.length - 1].lastModified;
if(singlePagePerInterval && hasMorePages) {
} while (hasMorePages)
delete snapshot.pageNumber;
snapshot.previousLastModified = lastSeenTime;
Output Data
- Each object emitted individually.
Gotcha’s to lookout for
- If
is set tolastSeenTime
and we havelastModified >= previousLastModified
then each execution will include records from previous execution. But if at the first executionpreviousLastModified
could be equalcfg.startTime
and we havelastModified > previousLastModified
then we will lose objects whose last modified date is equal to thecfg.startTime
. This is why we comparepreviousLastModified
andcfg.startTime || new Date(0)
and if they are equal, use conditionlastModified >= previousLastModified,
else:lastModified > previousLastModified,
- We use
lastModified <= maxTime
as it is more understandable for user. - We have
Single Page per Interval
default to yes because it is slightly safer. - TODO
Receives data pushed to the Open Integration Hub from an external system.
The webhook URL is being provided by the Webhook Service for each flow.
Bulk Extract
Useful for:
- Systems that do no track last_modified
- Systems that don’t support filtering by timestamp range
- Systems which have dedicated bulk export functionality