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Attribute Type Properties Description Example Possible Enumeration Options
collaborationElement Array (of collaborationElement objects) - Collaboration properties values A collaborationElement object array -
contacts Array (of contact objects) - Contact information of the person A contact object array -
calendars Array (of calendar objects) - Calendar connected to contacts A contact object array -
location String - Name of the location “Room 123” -
start Date - startdate of the event 01.01.2018 -
end Date - enddate of the event 31.12.2018 -


Attribute Type Properties Description Example Possible Enumeration Options
name String - Name of the contact “John Doe” -
eMail String - E-mail of the contact “” -
calendars Array (of calendar objects) - Calendar information of the person A calendar object array -


Attribute Type Properties Description Example Possible Enumeration Options
calendar String - URI to the person’s calendar -
requestCalendar String - URL to request an appointment with the person -
status String - URL which describes if the person is available or busy -


Attribute Type Properties Description Example Possible Enumeration Options
collaborationElements Array (of collaboration objects) - Collaboration properties values A collaborationElement object array -
threads Array (of thread objects) - thread information of the e-mail A thread object array -


Attribute Type Properties Description Example Possible Enumeration Options
threadName String - Name of the Thread “Subject of the E-Mail” -
topic String - Identification of the thread randomized string -


Attribute Type Properties Description Example Possible Enumeration Options
from String - E-Mail of sender “” -
to String - E-mail of receiver “” -
cc String - E-mail of the contact in copy “” -
bcc String - E-mail of the contact in blind copy “” -
subject String - Subject line of the e-mail “RE: Your Question” -
date Date - Date 01.01.2018 -
day String Enum Day of the week “Monday” “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday”, “Friday”, “Saturday”, “Sunday”
time Time - Timestamp 10:10:10 -
messageID String - Id of the message some token -
language String - Language of the e-mail content “en” -
authentification String - Authentification Result “spf=pass” -
MIMEVersion Decimal - Version of MIME 1.3 -
format String - Format of the email content “HTML” -
content String - Content of the e-mail “Dear John, please find attached” -
attachments Array (of attachment objects) - attachment information of the element An attachment object array -


Attribute Type Properties Description Example Possible Enumeration Options
type String - Datatype of the attachment “JPG” -
size String - Datasize of the e-mail attachment “54 KB” -


Attribute Type Properties Description Example Possible Enumeration Options
collaborationElement Array (of collaborationElement objects) - Collaboration properties values A collaborationElement object array -
category Array (of category objects) - category information of the task A category object array -
taskToTaskRelation String - Relation between two tasks “is subtask to” -
subject String - Subject of the Task “Create a datamodel” -
startDate Datetime - Date when the task starts 01.01.2018 00:00 -
endDate Datetime - Date when the task is closed 31.01.2018 00:00 -
reminderDate Datetime - Date when the task completion should be reminded 20.01.2018 00:00 -
content String - description of the Task “To create a datamodel we have to analyze different systems…” -
status String Enum status of the Task “completed” “started”, “in progress”, “completed”
urgency String - urgency of the Task “low” “low”, “normal”, “high”


Attribute Type Properties Description Example Possible Enumeration Options
category String - category of the task or subtask “Implementation” -


Attribute Type Properties Description Example Possible Enumeration Options    
label String - relation between two tasks “is blocked by” “subtask”, “blocks”, “is blocked by”    
tasks Array of task objects - Array (of task objects) - - - -
targetUiid String - ID from the targeted task - -    
sourceUiid String - ID from the source task - -